Cwrdd â'r Tîm
Daeth tîm Tir Natur at ei gilydd gyda'r pwrpas i adfer byd natur, ac i ddysgu mwy am raddfa’r broblem sy’n ein hwynebu.
Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn ymuno â thîm Tir Natur, neu gyfrannu mewn rhyw ffordd, yna cysylltwch drwy e-bostio Mae gennym ddiddordeb arbennig os oes gennych sgiliau ffermio, cadwraeth natur, codi arian a rhedeg 'social media'.
Iolo Williams
Mae’r naturiaethwr a’r cyflwynydd teledu, Iolo Williams, wedi ymuno â thîm Tir Natur fel ein llysgennad:
“Cymru yw un o’r gwledydd sydd wedi disbyddu fwyaf o ran byd natur ar y blaned ac mae’r adroddiad Sefyllfa Byd Natur yn dangos, er gwaethaf ymdrechion cadwraeth, bod niferoedd bywyd gwyllt yn dal i ostwng. Yn ystod fy oes, rwyf wedi gweld dirywiad enfawr mewn rhywogaethau fel draenogod, cornchwiglod a bras melyn. Os ydym am drawsnewid pethau, rhaid inni ddangos mwy o uchelgais.
Rhaid inni edrych ar adfer ecosystemau ar raddfa tirwedd fel y gall natur arwain y ffordd ac y gellir cynyddu ei hadferiad. Yn fyr, rhaid inni ailwylltio."
The Team
Stephen Jenkins
(Swyddog Datblygu)
David Kilner
(Swyddog Datblygu)
Gwenni Jenkins-Jones
(Swyddog Codi Arian)
Stephen is a Development Officer for Tir Natur. His focus is on our communications and overall strategy, delivering the key messages of the charity to a wide audience and using this to build relationships and networking opportunities. Stephen is tasked with the execution of elements of the fundraising strategy and is in charge of land acquisition. “Our appetite for exploiting and diminishing nature over the past centuries has been insatiable; our appetite for restoring it must be equally so”.
David leads on Tir Natur’s fundraising strategy with a particular focus on developing individual giving and foundational grant applications. David is also responsible for engaging with stakeholders and potential partners that would facilitate Tir Natur’s core aims e.g. academic, statutory programs (eg. peat/river restoration) existing land restoration projects, graziers/cooperatives, ecologists, citizen science projects, corporate partners.
Gwenan (Gwenni) has worked in fundraising at the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama for six years, specifically in individual giving and events, and is currently Development Manager of Operations. She has had a love of wildlife from a young age, having grown up in a family of environmentalists, which naturally led to her involvement in environmental activism, volunteering for the British Trust of Ornithology, and becoming a Trustee of Keep Wales Tidy. During her first year on the Board, she co-founded its Youth Board to give young people a voice in decision making. With her background in fundraising operations, individual giving and events, Gwenan is working with David on delivering Tir Natur’s Fundraising Strategy. As a passionate Welsh speaker, (with a BA degree in Welsh) and a folk fiddler, she is also looking forward to working with the team to ensure Welsh culture is at the core of this exciting project.
Dan Ward
(Swyddog Polisi)
Dan has led on our responses to the consultation on the Sustainable Farming Scheme (a condensed version of our response can be found here), the recent CCEI inquiry response on ‘Halting and reversing the loss of nature by 2030’, an NRW consultation on the release of game birds and a Brecon Beacons Management Plan. “Ultimately, Tir Natur’s land acquisition will serve us in demonstrating our vision to our policy makers so that our calls for a whole ecosystem approach to nature recovery can be more impactful.”
Bwrdd yr Ymddiriedolwyr
Tasha Reilly (Cadeirydd)
Tim Birch
Richard Gwenith
I am a farmer, and manage a 70-acre project in Carmarthenshire where I am developing a model for a farm that will run with 60% of the land in beef and pork production as well as agroforestry and the remaining 40% will support and increase biodiversity. I wholeheartedly support rewilding in Wales and working with other farmers and landowners to increase our natural capital. My career started as a plant scientist at Kew Gardens and my love for the natural world was born. I have gone full circle as I am currently studying an environmental science degree with the Open University. My interest in rewilding started at a workshop in Glen Affric in 2018 and I am still learning.
Tim works for Wildlife Trusts Wales and is their Senior Policy and Advocacy Manager. He has been working in the environment and nature conservation sector for over 20 years, with a variety of organizations including Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, RSPB, Greenpeace UK and Greenpeace International. "We are in the middle of a nature and climate crisis. It is clear that new approaches are urgently needed to tackle these threats. Rewilding is one such approach. It is about restoring nature at scale where natural processes are allowed to thrive, and missing species are returned. It is also about reconnecting people to a world where nature is thriving, and communities are sustained for the long term".
With a background in fine art and television production, Rich brings a creative energy to Tir Natur. He is passionate about finding practical solutions to the biodiversity and climate crises and is focused on ways to rekindle people’s often broken relationship with nature. He came up with the concept for our Interactive Ecosystems, as a way to engage a new audience with rewilding, creating a dynamic, stimulating approach to education and fundraising. He lives in South Pembrokeshire on a smallholding dedicated to nature restoration, complete with traditional hay meadows, ponds and overgrown hedgerows.
James Hitchcock
Tom Roberts
James is the Wales Advocacy Coordinator for Rewilding Britain and has worked in the environmental sector for over 20 years, most recently as CEO of Radnorshire Wildlife Trust, leading them through a period of growth and the acquisition of Pentwyn Farm. He secured funding and developed stakeholder relationships, conducting campaigning and advocacy and landowner advice programmes. James is passionate about the need to scale up our efforts for nature's recovery, which can only be achieved by increasing our ambition and embracing natural processes, extensive/wilder grazing and rewilding.
Tom is realising a lifetime ambition to create a small nature reserve through natural restoration. He acquired an 11-acre sheep farm in Ceredigion and is busy creating ponds and planting native trees and wildflower meadows – with an emphasis on rare Welsh species such as the black poplar and alder buckthorn trees, and the near-extinct Deptford pink, corncockle, Dyer’s greenweed, small-flowered catchfly, autumn squill and other wildflowers. The reserve is a home for recovering hedgehogs released from a local animal hospital. Tom’s previous career was making international documentaries during which he accumulated well over a 100 broadcast credits as a director/producer. He founded the indie production company October Films.
Ochr yn ochr â’n Bwrdd Ymddiriedolwyr gweithgar a’n tîm o Staff, canolbwynt a chalon Tir Natur yw ein tîm ymroddedig a dawnus o wirfoddolwyr.
Gyda sgiliau a chefndiroedd yn amrywio o bensaernïaeth a’r gyfraith i wleidyddiaeth a’r cyfryngau, mae’r tîm hwn yn gyrru’r sefydliad tuag at ei nodau. Dyma nhw Katherine, Rachel, Matt, Maeve, Jo, ac Austin, Adriana, Ben, Gethin, Karen, Mick, Sam, Sian Diolch i chi!
Os hoffech gynnig eich cymorth fel gwirfoddolwr, yna rhowch waedd i ni neu llenwch y ffurflen hon !